ALBUQUERQUE — November 26, 2013 — Ultramain Systems, Inc. (USI), based in Albuquerque New Mexico, USA announced today the go-live of ULTRAMAIN® v9™ software at the world’s first spaceline company, Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic went live on the entire ULTRAMAIN M&E/MRO product suite, including ActionGraphix™, ActionAnalytics™, Mobile Mechanic™ and Mobile Inventory™, as well as efbTechLogs™. This go-live marks a number of first-ever events for both Virgin Galactic and Ultramain Systems.
According to Mark McCausland, President of Ultramain Systems, “Virgin Galactic is on the cutting edge of aerospace technology and achievement. Working with them has been an incredible experience. We are of like mind in our desire to expand the envelope of paperless operations through the use of well thought-out software. The software in use by Virgin Galactic is the most sophisticated collection of ULTRAMAIN applications produced to date and will be an integral part of the space tourism operations.”
In addition to being the first to offer commercial space tourism, Virgin Galactic is the first spaceline to implement commercial grade Maintenance and Engineering software. “We are honored that our software (ULTRAMAIN M&E) is a part of that distinction,” McCausland added. The Virgin Galactic go-live constitutes several other firsts including the first operational use of an electronic logbook (ELB) on a mobile device and the first operational mobile ELB integrated with an M&E system. Virgin Galactic is also the first user of the paperless Mobile Mechanic and Mobile Inventory software.
“This is an exciting time for us,” said Justin Daugherty, Space Operations Maintenance Control Coordinator for Virgin Galactic. “ULTRAMAIN software is allowing us to operate at the highest level of visibility, safety, and compliance for our operations. In addition, with ULTRAMAIN, Virgin Galactic is leading the way in developing a paperless spaceline operations environment.”
Mark Butler, Virgin Galactic Project Manager for Spaceport America said, “Ultramain Systems is a global company that is based in New Mexico. We take pride in working with a New Mexico business that provides the best-in-class software that will be running our maintenance operations.”